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Our commitments to society

Our Group's activities, presence and network enable us to take concrete action at the heart of local communities. As a link between food producers and distributors, STEF is also committed to social integration. 

#1 For professional integration 

The transport and logistics professions are essential to economic development. We work hard every day to raise their profile and showcase them. In this way, we are promoting employment and integration through work.

  • Promoting access to employment  
    We work in partnership with a number of organisations, including local missions and associations such as Sport dans la Ville, Nos quartiers ont du talent and Arpejeh. 
  • Promoting career guidance for secondary school students 
    We welcome young people to our sites as part of the TEKNIK programme, and we take part in mentoring as part of the Cordées de la réussite programme with the AgroParisTech foundation. 
  • Encouraging the recruitment of a wide range of profiles 
    We encourage diversity and intergenerational cooperation, and are partners of the committed recruiters Nes & Cité, a social mediation and recruitment agency that works through street-sourcing and job dating in priority neighbourhoods. 
  • Moving towards CV-free recruitment 
    What counts is not the candidates' past experience, but their motivation. We're involved with #jenesuispasunCV, an association that helps people access jobs more easily, with software tailored to companies and candidates. 
Insertion des jeunes
illustrations de personnages differents

#2 For diversity and equal opportunities 

For gender equality in the workplace

With the the program MIX'UP, we take action on a daily basis to promote professional equality and gender diversity. We have set ourselves the goal of increasing the number of women in our workforce and showing that our professions are open to all.

For the inclusion of people with disabilities 

  • Deploying awareness-raising initiatives among our employees. 
  • Unanimous signature of a 6th Disability agreement, in September 2022, by the trade unions in France. 
  • Winner of the 2021 Inclusive Company Award, organised by Manifeste Inclusion, under the patronage of the Secretariat of State for People with Disabilities. 

For equal opportunities 

  • Recruitment of a variety of profiles, encouraging intergenerational cooperation.
  • Raising awareness among our employees through a range of events, such as the "Semaine de l'insertion professionnelle", the "Journée internationale de l'égalité professionnelle entre hommes et femmes", and the "Semaine des salariés en situation de handicap".   

#3 Access to food products 

In 2023, we renewed our three-year agreement with the Restaurants du Cœur, which includes a number of initiatives.

  • Training volunteers in employment law (22 people by 2023).
  • Support for national collection, with the provision of transport and storage facilities (640 tonnes by 2022).
  • The collection of donations between manufacturers and Restaurants du Cœur warehouses (1 228 tonnes in 2023).
  • Skills sponsorship (passing on best practice in cold management).
Les Restos du Coeur
Donation alimentaire

#4 To combat food waste

Numerous initiatives are organised locally with food banks and local associations, taking into account the legislation in force pertaining to food donations. These are carried out at the initiative of our customers, or by STEF with their agreement.

#5 For refugees

We want to promote inclusion and access to employment for people arriving in France with refugee status. Since 2021, around fifty people benefited from our scheme.

  • Working with associations 
    We are partners of structured associations, the non-profit NGO Tent Partnership for Refugees, and members of Refugees Are Talents, a group of major companies committed to the integration of refugees. 
  • Training in French language and our business lines 
    We offer a training and skills development programme in French as a Foreign Language (FLE) and in our business lines.  
  • Social support 
    We offer support from a partner NGO: accommodation, civic integration, etc.  
Insertion réfugiés

To go further

Our commitments to the planet


Our commitments to our teams

Our commitments to the planet

Our commitments to our suppliers
